Socio-Cultural Awareness


  1. The ability to comprehend, appreciate, and negotiate backgrounds and experiences different from one’s own, as well as the complexity of one’s own relation and accountability to wider socio-historical dynamics. 
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of socio-cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; show an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity.
  3. Interact effectively with people whose backgrounds differ from one’s own in one or more ways, such as on the basis of age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, neurodiversity, race, religion, or sexual orientation. 
  4. Recognize and act on the obligation to inform one’s own judgment. 
  5. Recognize and appropriately address bias in oneself and others.  

Source: AAMC, AAC&U, NACE, Wesleyan

Socio-Cultural Awareness

Questions to Consider:

Socio-cultural self-awareness  

Can you give an example of a time you faced an unfamiliar social or cultural situation? How did you navigate it?  

Can you give an example of how a social or cultural assumption you held affected your decision making?  

Engage different perspectives   

Can you give an example of a time you took the initiative to learn about the perspective of someone whose background was not like your own?  

Can you give an example of a time you identified a social or cultural assumption held by someone else? How did you address and negotiate it?